Gemini character
Gemini character

gemini character

They will speak up their mind paying no attention to possible consequences. Their attitude to friends is exceptional and they are not people to lie or hide anything from others. Leo is a good friend who will protect people he loves and supports them in any life situation. However, avoid criticizing these kittens if you do not want to suffer from a flash of unexpected fury. This is often a friendly and polite person to rely on and trust. Despite being a strong personality Lion is also a big kitten that is loyal and gentle to others. They never give up things begun and pave their way to success confidently. The positive side of Leo’s stubbornness is being determined. Any job or task they take and enjoy doing takes them fully leaving no space or time for anything else. Leos are passionate lovers but it is not the only sphere where they show this trait. These individuals always have a funny joke to laugh at and can represent the funny side of things to raise other people’s mood. They not only buy expensive gifts but also are not afraid to express their feelings providing their beloved people with attention and interesting experience. Lions are loyal friends who are very generous with others. At the same time, they put much effort to achieve heights and always crave to have more than they possess. Lions do not admit staying in the shade of other people so they dream from their childhood about success and wealth. They like bright shades, bold artistic forms, stimulating activities and can be excellent performers. It means that they are inborn dancers though other spheres of art interest them too. Personalities born in the Sun of Leo are very artistic and often express their emotions through body movements. Moreover, they would rather punish offenders than join them. They feel great responsibility for people they love and value, especially if they are vulnerable ones.

gemini character

Like in the Animal world where Lions protect the members of their pride, humans born in the sun of this zodiac sign do the same with their near and dear. However, you can hardly find a Leo who accepts another person’s viewpoint, and it can be another side of the medal too. They will try to take leadership positions in every situation no matter whether it is teamwork or family. They are inborn leaders who are never ready to sacrifice this power. This quality has been also inherited from the King that is in charge of not only the tribe but the whole animal world. It runs in their blood to entertain the audience since they are bright and flamboyant personalities, so it is not surprising why Leos dominate in the circles of modern celebrities. They need to attract attention and take a central position so some drama and expression are not artificial. Though Lions can remind actors who play their role in every social interaction, in fact, it is their nature. It is enough for them to look at their target to keep him ticking along and get ready for an escape.

#Gemini character full

They are full of endless energy and power. Lion is a physically strong and courageous creature and the same goes for people born in its Sun. They can boast many positive qualities that will help to achieve success in life. People of the Lion sign stand out among others and are considered to be ahead of the rest in all life situations. However, if you know a Leo person and want to understand what traits and qualities are hidden inside, this information will be interesting to you. Lion is a courageous and prideful animal, but does it mean that people who are Leos by horoscope possess similar qualities? In fact, Leo has a number of both positive and negative traits provided by stars since birth and some of them originate from the nature of the strong and measured creature. Moreover, a desire to be the center of the universe is perceived from the body part that represents this sign – it is the heart. This is a fixed sign with gold, yellow, orange, and purple colors associated with it. It is predictable that its symbol is the Lion, while the ‘solar’ energy received from the ruling planet in the hot summer season makes these people strong and endure. This is the fifth astrological sign ruled by the Sun and being the element of Fire. People who are called Leos by zodiac sign celebrate their birthdays between July 23 and August 23.

Gemini character